New Version: Alpha 20140129

Official announcements for the Asteroidfield 3D

New Version: Alpha 20140129

Postby EvanT » Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:44 pm

New Version Alpha 20140129
  • General
    • New Sky-Box (background) image
    • A new node was added to the map files: "<imgName>[file name]</imgName>" to enable custom images to be shown in the server lobby. Images should be 150*60 pixel and must be located in the "Maps" folder.
  • Weapons
    • Defensive weapons like Antirocketbeams will ignore the "hold fire"-mode now.
  • Start-Menu
    • Under the option tab "General" the detail limit is now adjustable. You define how far a object (nebula) may be away from the camera before it is shown with less detail.
    • Under the option tab "Speeds" you no longer have the option to adjust vertical mouse movement independent from horizontal movement. While this option was rarely used it caused a lot confusion.
  • In game messages
    • The messages for insufficient resources while building (units, stations, modules, drones) include a list of the needed resources now.
  • Unit menu
    • Modules: Mining/gas collecting now display the resource they are harvesting.
    • Cargo module menu: The freight list is now displayed with icons instead of text so that the list should no longer be hidden by other GUI elements.
    • Cargo transform module (Refinery, Forge,..) menu: The feedstock and production list is now displayed with icons instead of text.
  • Units
    • Plasma Cruiser (Tier 1) - Sturdy close combat unit with a plasma weapon.
    • The pirate cruiser (Tier 2) has fewer weapons, lower hit points and weaker armor now.
  • Modules
    • The range of module configurator-modules was reduced and does scale with the module's tier now.
    • Reload- and repair-modules use stemmater now.
    • The color of shields was changed to blueish.
    • Gas collectors whose nebula is depleted search for a new one in regular intervals now. So towing them to a new location has the expected benefit of starting the harvest.
  • Formations
    • Now each position in a formation has a role depending on the expected enemy position.
    • Units have a formation role depending on their function and will try to find a formation position matching it.
    • Phalanx formation's positions were adopted to suit the new roles better.
    • Box formation's position order was adopted to suit the new roles better.
    • Wall formation's positions were adopted to suit the new roles better.
    • Claw formation's positions were adopted to suit the new roles better.
  • Bugfix
    • While in infinite production mode, cargo transform modules (Refinery, Forge,..) do not longer destroy resources if the product count reaches the number of one cargo box.
    • Cargo transfers which are initialized from a stationary unit (platforms or stations) work again.
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Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:02 pm

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